MS and Parkinson disease
- May 31, 2023
Even though, you have conquered your preliminary dilemmas of the disease, there can still be a variety of challenges you have to face throughout the Parkinson’s journey. Initially you may not need help in the early disease phase and can enjoy independent life. With the passage of time when effects exacerbated, you become dependent on a medical therapy to control the symptoms.
Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a complex, chronic and rapidly and slowly progressive neurodegenerative ailment that affects people in their later life. It influences body’s voluntary movements, posture, and leads to muscle rigidity. Males have more risk of developing PD than females because of the protective effect of estrogen hormone in females. The current treatment options for PD are mainly symptomatic and have side effects too. (
If you are having worsening of symptom despite taking medicines, you can try marijuana. A recent survey found that marijuana can be helpful for neurodegenerative diseases like PD. Marijuana has shown to relief a number of symptoms of Parkinson disease, including pain, tremor, sleep quality anxiety, and quality of life. (
A study has demonstrated that marijuana brought about betterment in the voluntary movements of the body in about 30% patients of PD. (
In another research about 85% PD patients reported lessening of their symptoms with the use of marijuana.
Many patients of mine have been experiencing improvement tin their overall health outcomes using marijuana.